Testimony Tuesday With Brittany & Kellie - SZN 2 - Episode 5 - Guest James Hardy

#TestimonyTuesday is also on #MusicLov3rz Radio Sundays @ 12:45 PM EST at https://musiclov3rzradio.blogspot.com/2021/01/blog-post.html
James Hardy shares his testimony with us tonight! Encountering the supernatural at an early age, James shares how those experiences impacted his life and journey to overcome fear.


  1. Praise The Lord,

    This interview with Brother Hardy was very insightful and encouraging for a time such as this looking at the other interviews you have I like what you ladies are doing. People need to hear about fear and other things because we are dealing with this and much more and we to hear how we cope are try and deal with certain situations we all know God is our help but he also put people in our paths and in our lives o help as well. With God all things are possible if we believe and most of all trust God key factor trust God. May God Bless you both Brother James Hardy is a very knowledgeable man of God I always enjoy his teaching,, singing and just who he is and what he stands for yes I am one of his biggest fans friends .

    1. Thank you for tuning in Sis Donna! Yes, it was a pleasure having James on to share with our viewers/listeners about his journey to overcome fear as well as informing people that the enemy is real but more importantly, so is God! God bless you!


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