Testimony Tuesday With Brittany & Kellie - Episode 6 - Tremik Brantley

#TestimonyTuesday is also on #MusicLov3rz Radio Sundays @ 12:45 PM EST at https://musiclov3rzradio.blogspot.com/2021/01/blog-post.html
Have you ever been paralyzed in fear? Has fear given you a false sense of control? Tremik Brantley joins us tonight to share an encouraging testimony of #overcoming fear. Tremik testifies to God's amazing ability to overpower what is overpowering you! We know that God can do a SUDDENLY kind of thing, but some deliverance takes a little time in order to see God for ALL that He is and to build our trust in Him. Hang on! God is with you through it all! Deliverance is coming!
